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Grand Jury Selection Process

Jurors: Randomly Selected, Vital to the Justice System

Understanding the Role of Jurors in Federal Criminal Cases

Jury Selection for Federal Grand Juries

In the federal criminal justice system, grand juries play a crucial role in determining whether there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. Jurors for grand juries are randomly selected from voter lists or other sources, ensuring a fair and representative cross-section of the community.

Summoning, Selecting, and Challenging Jurors

Once selected, potential jurors are summoned to appear in court for voir dire, where attorneys for both sides have the opportunity to question them and determine their suitability. Jurors may be challenged for cause, such as bias or a conflict of interest. Attorneys may also exercise peremptory challenges to dismiss up to a limited number of jurors without stating a reason.

Composition and Function of Grand Juries

Federal grand juries consist of between 16 and 23 jurors. Their primary function is to determine whether the evidence presented by the prosecution is sufficient to establish probable cause that a crime has been committed. If they find sufficient evidence, they issue an indictment, which authorizes the prosecution to proceed with criminal charges.

Regular Trial Juries: Composition and Function

Regular trial juries in the federal system typically consist of six or twelve jurors. Their role is to hear the evidence presented in court and determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant. The size and composition of trial juries vary depending on the specific charges and court procedures.

### The Accusatory and Investigatory Functions of Grand Juries

Grand juries are often described as performing both accusatory and investigatory functions. The accusatory function relates to their ability to determine probable cause and issue indictments. The investigatory function allows them to gather evidence, subpoena witnesses, and examine documents as part of their inquiry.
